Kuwait Oil Company's responsibilities are the exploration, drilling and production of oil and gas in Kuwait. Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is also involved in the storage of crude oil and delivery to tankers for export. Our client, SAIPEM Korea, was looking for an innovative company to guarantee the fire safety for a new booster station on the KOC site.
Challenge; Professionals in fire protection
SAIPEM Korea asked us to provide the fire safety for a new booster station on the site of its client Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). A booster station is an installation that raises the pressure in order to transport oil through the pipelines.

Fire extinguishers containing Monnex extinguishing powder
Our approach was to make an innovative addition to a proven product. We delivered and installed more than 1,000 extinguishers for industrial application (including Monnex extinguishers) and 80 Monnex wheeled extinguishers. Fire extinguishers filled with Monnex extinguishing powder have a greater extinguishing capacity, making them suitable for putting out fires involving liquid substances and gases. Because the temperature in Kuwait rises to above 50 degrees in summer, it was necessary to prevent the temperature, and therefore the pressure inside the extinguishers, from rising excessively. For this reason, we fitted them with sunshades.

Result; Confidence
Following the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC), KOC now also has confidence in us, which is a great step for the future. We supply solutions for optimum fire safety for very different conditions; the heat of Kuwait is no exception.