foam ix 4 v2


Foam-IX is a unique solution that enables the use of highly viscous (fluorine-free) extinguishing foam concentrates. It optimizes the mixing of foam concentrate and water by using induced turbulence. By using Foam-IX, the required distance between the extinguishing foam concentrate injection point and the manifold is considerably shortened.

The FoamTronic system supplies the extinguishing foam concentrate.

The patented Foam-IX is a non-return valve with an integrated injection point.


High viscous foam concentrate

The legislation regarding the use of PFAS is changing and this requires a transition to fluorine-free fire-fighting foam concentrate. A common characteristic of fluorine-free foam concentrate is a higher viscosity, unlike foam concentrates with fluorine, which makes mixing more difficult. Correct mixing is necessary to obtain an effective pre-mix for extinguishing. This raises the question: how can the correct mixing be achieved with high viscous foam concentrate?


Features of Foam-IX

  • Shorter distance between injection point and manifold possible;
  • Compact and interchangeable with an existing non-return valve;
  • Instant mixing after injection in any water flow, even at low flow rates;
  • Extinguishing water, upstream of the injection point, is shielded from the foam concentrate;
  • Simplifies the transition to fluorine-free extinguishing foam due to better mixing.

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